Turn your images from Boring to Badass with my Dramatic Skies Handbook

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Free Off-Camera Flash Handbook

Embrace the Sun: Free Handbook Teaches Fearless Photography in Bright Light!

Don't let fear of shooting in full sun hold you back from capturing amazing moments. Our free ebook equips you with the knowledge and confidence to shoot at any time of the day to make your photography stand out and make the most of every sunny opportunity.

This Handbook is a must if you...

  • If you struggle using strobes outdoors to "overpower the sun"

  • Struggle to create dramatic, dark & moody images

  • Waste hours in post-production swapping out skies

  • You want to stand out from everyone else who has a camera.

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Take the fear out of shooting in full sun with my easy-to-follow Dramatic Skies Handbook. 

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Behind the scenes, image pullbacks to see exactly how to achieve the same results

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Post-processing formula's and software to take your images to the next level

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Choosing the best and most affordable equipment to get the job done

Grab the FREE Handbook